Updated on dimanche 26 mai 2019 17:50 This Website has celebrate in 2017 his 20 years of existence
" We should not believe in a thing only because it was said, nor to believe in the traditions because they were passed on since the Antiquity; or believe on the simple authority of our masters or instructors... But, we can put into practice a paper, a doctrine or an assertion when the just understanding we have it and our intimate experience confirm them.
Please , be for yourself your own light, your own refuge... " Buddha
ven. Shinjin Robert Brandt-Diény
explains to you the aspects and headline of
The teachings
Host the unexpected with equanimity, that is the true wisdom.
The intelligence is the capacity by which we know answer precisely to new situations
in the light of our past experiences******
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By trying really to
What the message of the Buddha and his "art of
Can bring
in the current world.
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information, concerning the Buddhism " The
Peace of the Spirit " Phone : 0041 /( 0 ) 21.903.25.82E-mail: mail at bouddha.ch |
The illustration titles of
the bouddha it abhaya - absence of fear - is due to Adélaïde Verneuil de
Marval's paintbrush, so under copyright
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